Pet Kings UK
24 hours a day
Cumbernauld Based
Pet Sitting Service
(Cats & Smaller Pets)
New visit prices will be starting on 01/01/2025.
Information can be found on the price list secion.
Cruachan Road / Allanfauld Road
Bearsden Seafar
Glasgow Cumbernauld
G61 4LA G67 1EX
Call or Text 079444 29274
You can also complete the form which will be sent directly to our mailbox.
If you are looking to book our pet sitting service or just have any questions then please feel free to use either of our contact options. Either by phone or email and we can arrange a free consultation. Email will always be best if there is a lot of information to be provided so we can read and take in everything much faster than a phone call. If there is no answer when you call please feel free to send a text message or leave a voicemail and we will get back to you ASAP.
A registration form can be forwarded to you or dropped off and collected again when a suitable time and date is agreed for Gary or Pauline to pay a visit and meet yourself and your pet/s.
We look forward to hearing from you.